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Clash of Three Kingdoms

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Experience the realistic world of the Three Kingdoms era. Expand the land, accompany the beauty and conquer the world now!

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This Event Is for S86 Players, Come to Join Iron Worship!

2018-01-12    From:Clash of Three Kingdoms

Event . Consumption Rewards for Iron Worship
Dear players,
Do you want to get stronger as fast as you can? Then iron and super iron are what you need! Tired of praying and counting crits? Here are extra rewards directly sent to your bag!
Time: Jan.15th 00:00 - Jan.16th 23:59
On Jan.15th 00:00 - Jan.16th 23:59 players who spend certain amount of Gold on Iron worship will be rewarded.
If players spend 20 Gold, they will get Iron*8K.
If players spend 60 Gold, they will get Iron*18K.
If players spend 200 Gold, they will get Iron*45K+S.Iron*500.
If players spend 1500 Gold, they will get Iron*450K+S.Iron*5000.